Journal of diabetes science and technology impact factor 2021. Journal of Diabetes és az életmód

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Recommended Articles Összefoglaló. A poszttraumás stressz zavar PTSD egy súlyos mentális állapot, amely nehezen gyógyítható, és évtizedeken keresztül fennállhat.

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Az észlelt gyakoriság nem függött a vizsgált populációk érintettségétől: a gyakoriság közel azonos volt fertőzöttek, karanténba kerültek, pusztán életmódváltozást elszenvedők és egészségügyi szakemberek körében. Ez vetekszik a háborús helyzetekben tapasztaltakkal, azzal a különbséggel, hogy a modern háborúk a világ népességének kis részét, míg a járvány az emberiség tekintélyes részét érintette.

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One possible form of impairment is psychiatric in nature; this category includes among others post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD. PTSD is a severe and difficult-to-treat mental disorder caused by traumatic stress i.

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It is usually attributed to disasters, war, and interpersonal violence, but it can also be caused by serious illness such as AIDS and cancer. Thus, even a purely logical approach suggests that the epidemic may increase the incidence of PTSD, an assumption that is confirmed by numerous targeted studies.

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In certain populations and at certain times, the frequency was reported to be much lower e. Overall, however, the post-epidemic prevalence of PTSD appears to rival that observed in war situations, such as the Vietnam War. Recent events suggest that the epidemic will soon recede.

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However, the epidemic leaves behind a large number of people who have sustained long-lasting and severe mental injuries - including those who have developed PTSD. Tackling this problem is the task for the future, but it must be prepared in advance.

Diabetes therapeutics, treatment optimisation and support technology

To this end, the study also briefly maps the factors of inborn and acquired resilience in a new network science approach. Export References.