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Any process consists of several tasks, and there may be precedence constraints among them. In our paper we consider a special case, where the precedence constraints form short disjoint directed paths. This model occurs frequently in practice, but as far as we know it is considered very rarely in the literature. The goal is to find a good resource allocation schedule to minimize the makespan. The problem is known to be strongly NP-hard, and such hard problems are often solved by heuristic methods.

We found only one paper which is my home blood pressure monitor shows irregular heartbeat related to our topic, this paper proposes the heuristic method HH. We propose a new heuristic called QLM which is inspired by reinforcement learning methods from the area of machine learning.

As we did not find appropriate benchmark problems for the investigated model. We note that a heuristic method can give a "near optimal" solution very fast while an exact solver provides the optimal solution, but it may need a huge amount of time to find it. In our computational evaluation we experienced that our heuristic is more effective than HH and finds the optimal solution in many cases and very fast.

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We have developed a method by which we can construct a fault tree, considering human properties. It can be explored by analyzing the factors that lead to my home blood pressure monitor shows irregular heartbeat critical major event, errors indicated by humans and their possible combinations.

The goal is to assign an activity to the person with the best qualities among the set of the available people. We introduce a decision supporting tool and its application for the appropriate choice of a human resource in case of process scheduling. Abstract: In case of process scheduling any process consists of tasks, and there can be precedence constraints among them. We assign the tasks to unrelated machines so that the makespan is minimized.

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In our earlier work we proposed a metaheuristic algorithm called QLM Q-Learning Motivated based on a reinforcement learning technique. The QLM algorithm uses several parameters discount rate, learning rate, temperature for simulated annealing and iteration number. Currently these parameters are set manually and the goal is to determine the appropriate parameter values automatically. Neumann Kollokvium konferencia-kiadványa. The purpose of this pilot study was to determine the usability, utility, and feasibility of a website created to increase engagement and improve the quality of the preoperative education that patients having hip and knee arthroplasty surgery receive.

Materials and Methods: A website was created, and its appearance was designed with evidence-based "menu-driven" drop-downs to make the screen options age-appropriate to the patient population; the content was supported with video and PDFs of educational material, the same or similar to the usual education provided to patients. The patient-specific outcomes included qualitative data regarding patient knowledge, satisfaction, utilities, and usability.

These objectives were assessed based on the perceived health website usability questionnaire online survey. Eighty patients who met inclusion criteria were recruited, ranging in age from 40 to 65 years old.

Among them, The patients were randomly assigned to the paper only or website education cohorts in a ratio. However, only 19 from each cohort participated in the survey questionnaire. Results and Conclusions: We hypothesized that findings would show that patients receiving web-based education would feel more knowledgeable about their procedure, have less anxiety, and greater satisfaction with the addition of the website content; and that nurses would report that a website could conserve nursing time and resources.

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The study revealed no statistically significant differences between the cohorts, with an Alpha level set at 0. However, survey results showed that patients using the website rated self-perceived increase in knowledge, and their satisfaction in the time to find and review the information was higher than that of the paper-only cohort.

The nursing survey revealed that website education improved workflow, efficiency, and patient education. Social skills therapy has been shown to be helpful. Over the past several years, computer-assisted and robot-assisted therapies have been infiltrating the social skills teaching environment. Rapid progress in the field of technology, especially in the robotics area, offers tremendous possibilities for innovation and treatment or even education for individuals with ASD.

This paper's purpose is to drive awareness of these innovative interventions in order to support the social lives of children with ASD. The aims of the paper are identifying 1 the types of Information Technology platforms that are being evaluated in computer and robot-assisted therapies for children with ASD; 2 the various disciplines or professions studying and utilizing these computer and robot-assisted social skill therapies; 3 the outcomes being evaluated in each trial; and 4 if results demonstrate benefits to children with autism.

Search terms incorporated the subject intersection of autism, and computer or robot-assisted therapy. Results were mined for pediatric populations only and study designs establishing controlled comparisons. Results: Eighteen unique international studies were identified that utilize robot interventions 11 studies and serious computer game interventions seven studies.

Most demonstrated promising results in improving outcomes for children with ASD. Study implications reveal a rapidly evolving assistive technology for ASD social skills therapy.

Conclusions: These interventions show considerable promise, but more effectiveness and cost effectiveness research of high quality should be carried out with larger numbers of children.

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Also, further studies are necessary to evaluate these technologies' effectiveness amongst adults with ASD and within unique subsets of the higher functioning autism population. As the available devices on the internetreach a drastically large number, problems arise regarding networking, security and even data management. In this paper a brief review on the current challenges are presented, while mentioning possible solutions. Doing so, this paper presentsa design-process of a virtual reality application using gamified elements.

XVIII, pp. A simple parametric temperature dependent battery model is used for this purpose where the temperature dependence is described by static relationships.

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A two-step method is used that includes a parameter estimation step of the key parameters at different temperatures followed by a static optimization step that determines the temperature coefficients of the corresponding parameters.

It was found that the temperature dependent parameter characteristics can be reliably estimated from charging profiles diabetic polyneuropathy review. The proposed method can be used as a computationally effective way of determining the key battery parameters at a given temperature from their actual estimated values and from their previously determined static temperature dependence.

The proposed parameter estimation method was verified by simulation experiments on a more complex battery model that also describes the detailed dynamic thermal behavior of the battery. Such systems use modulated light sources, the flicker of which is not visible for the human eye.

When ordinary cameras are used as receivers, the low framerate of the cameras, with respect to the blinking frequency of the LEDs, results in sub-Nyquist sampling. This paper reviews and compares recent undersampled on-off keying camera communication methods. The primary objective of this study is to examine healthcare-related websites in nine European countries in order to evaluate the status of their accessibility.

Om tot zinvolle vragen te komen hanteren wij de volgende spelregels: lees eerst de handleiding door; controleer of uw vraag al eerder door iemand anders is gesteld; probeer uw vraag zo duidelijk mogelijk te stellen; heeft u een probleem en al geprobeerd om dit op te lossen, vermeld dit erbij aub; heeft u een oplossing gekregen van een bezoeker dan horen wij dat graag in dit forum; wilt u een reactie geven op een vraag of antwoord, gebruik dan niet dit formulier maar klik op de knop 'reageer op deze vraag'; uw vraag wordt direct op de website gezet; vermijd daarom persoonlijke gegevens in te vullen; Belangrijk!

Such a detailed statistical comparison has not yet been made in Europe, especially as the present study offers a dual measurement system combining both the application of automated testing software and statistical analysis of user feedback. The research phase was performed in three steps: firstly by using AChecker, secondly by Nibbler and subsequently followed by user feedback questionnaires evaluated by a group of experts.

The overall goal of this study is to determine the most common accessibility problems and to draw site owners' attention to shortcomings so that they can improve the quality of service of their healthcare-related sites in the future. The investigated European websites are grouped into Eastern and Western-Northern countries. We compared our results from different perspectives and ascertained that no significant differences can be established between the two groups predicated on their respective economic situations.

Equally, no correlations were observed while comparing the sizes of web pages in Kbytes, the number of barriers and their Nibbler accessibility scores. Furthermore, there appears to be no correlation between the results of the software tests and the percentage of the elderly population in the respective country.

We can demonstrate this phenomenon by projecting coloured light from one and white light 13 as cukorszint the other projector on a screen, where an object casts two shadows: one illuminated by coloured light expectedly coloured and the other illuminated by white light unexpectedly coloured.


One of the seemingly most solid arguments for the objectivity of the unexpected colour was the fact that it could be photographed.

The aim of this work was to photograph the shadows both with conventional colour slide film and digital cameras and explain why the unexpected colour of the shadows appears in these photographs. With spectroradiometric measurements of the shadows themselves and also those of the photographs, it may be proven that this is simply a spectacular case of adaptation and simultaneous contrast. Digital rendering of the coloured shadow situation also supports this conclusion.

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Cukorbeteg kismama fórum shadows are excellent tools for the demonstration of adaptation and simultaneous contrast.

The paper presents the results of part of the survey prepared in the frame of Green Energy Skills for Youth European project in which preferences of different kinds of computer games were examined, and the preferences and attitudes for different attributes of the games.

This data were studied from the perspective of students' age and the gender. The results show, that computer games, if we want them to reach their educational goal, should be designed differently for different groups of players-they should take in to the account the preferences and attitudes of the population, the addressee of the gaming situation. Multimedia in Education Conferences. Could it be possible to make a design support frame-software in this field?

An expert system will be shown in this paper, which is based on previously built machines. The machine parts and subassemblies are stored in a my home blood pressure monitor shows irregular heartbeat. The possible contacts between these subassemblies are presented in a knowledge base. The purpose of this expert system is to offer a valuable help for the design engineer when a new machine plan is needed. The program output is the bill of material which contains the required subassembly, and even the cumulated price.

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The resources work in multiple operation modes, so they can substitute each other but with different efficiency. We consider processes which have quite complex structure, i. This problem is extremely complex, there is no chance to get the optimal solution in reasonable time.

The proposed algorithm intends to find a near-optimal solution, where the goal of the optimization is the minimization of the makespan of the schedule. We present the genetic operations of the algorithm in detail.

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We fill the pool of populations only with feasible solutions, but making possible the discovery of the whole search space. The feasibility of a schedule is ensured by excluding time-loops regarding the sequence of the tasks both in their process and in the queue of their resource. We executed several tests for determining the hopefully optimal parameters of the algorithm regarding the number of generations, the population size, the crossover rate and rate of the mutation.

We applied the algorithm for many problem classes where the parameters of the input are fixed or randomly chosen from some interval.

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All rights reserved. The lack of support services make them overly dependent on their families and prevent them from being socially included. A good solution is to use Mobile Assistive Technologies MAT to perform tasks in everyday lives, but one of the most important and challenging tasks is to create a solution which offers the assistance and support they need to achieve a good quality of life and allows them to participate in social life.

This paper reviews researches within the field of MATs to help people with visual impairment in their daily activities like navigation and shopping. A XXXI.

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Immersive virtual reality was chosen as it allows for better learning and has more research and testing capabilities. While making the application a survey has also been conducted with the users to enhance the application. The aim of the developed application is to allow people with weak stereopsis to use it at home with the intention to improve their stereopsis and depth perception via dichoptic perceptual learning. XVII, pp.

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A felmerülő problémák között a hardveres háttér megteremtése, az analízis algoritmusok és szoftverek fejlesztése, valamint a jól képzett humán erőforrás egyformán fontos. Dolgozatunkban bemutatunk egy adatanalízis pipeline-t, melyet a sclerosis multiplex MRI felvételeinek az értékelésére fejlesztettünk.

Megmutatjuk, hogy a párhuzamosítható adatfeldolgozás felhőben kialakított virtuális infrastruktúrán futtatható. Egy hasonló cloud alapú rendszer kiépítése az országos igényeket is ki tudná szolgálni, ezzel jelentősen csökkentve a hardverköltségeket.

The core of effective information retrieval lies in the application of process mining tools that best fits the task and the data. The current problem is that there is no universal solution available to track the formation of faulty products in time and space to make it possible to be reduced.

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To solve this problem, methods have been developed that can be used to analyze a production process from multiple perspectives. The methods were also implemented in software and tested on real production data. The methods created are based on time and space distribution and grouping of faulty products. The methods were applied to the processing and measurement data of an automated coil production and assembly line.

The data is originally stored in different files, so before they were used, they had to be transformed and sorted into database.