Diabetic neuropathy

CAN is strongly associated with increased mortality, and in some studies with morbidity of vascular complications, such as stroke, coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. At the early stages, CAN can be subclinical and it becomes clinically evident as the disease progresses. Subclinically, the disease is defined by cardiovascular reflex testing, which may have prognostic implications. Clinically, the impairment in autonomic function is associated with resting tachycardia, exercise intolerance, orthostatic hypotension, syncope, intraoperative cardiovascular instability, silent myocardial infarction and ischemia, and increased mortality.

Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates for and projections for and results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition.

Diabetes Res Clin Pract. Changes in features of diabetes care in Hungary in the period of years — Aims and methods of the database analysis of the National Health Insurance Fund. Az Országos Diabetic neuropathy Pénztár adatbázis-elemzésének célja és cukorbetegség diéta pdf. Decreasing incidence of pharmacologically treated type 2 diabetes in Hungary from to a nationwide cohort diabetic neuropathy.

Humanistic and economic burden of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy in Europe: a review of the literature.

Modeling long-term diabetes and related complications in rats

Prevalence of neuropathy in diabetes mellitus. In: Kempler P, Várkonyi T. Neuropathies in clinical practice.

Neuropathiák a klinikai gyakorlatban. Risk factors and comorbidities in diabetic neuropathy: an update Rev Diabet Stud. The effect of cigarette smoking on diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review diabetic neuropathy meta-analysis.

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J Gen Intern Med. Fate of individuals with ischemic amputations in the REACH Registry: three-year cardiovascular and limb-related outcomes. Atherosclerosis ; — Painful diabetic diabetic neuropathy epidemiology, natural history, early diagnosis, and treatment options.

Pain Med. Painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy — health care costs and complications from to Neurol Clin Pract.

Painful diabetic neuropathy

Risk factors of dialysis and mortality in type 1 and 2 diabetes. A nationwide study. Széleskörű hazai felmérés. Can diabetic polyneuropathy and foot ulcers cukorbeteg láb seb patients with type 2 diabetes be accurately identified based on ICD hospital diagnoses and drug prescriptions?

Clin Epidemiol. Annual health insurance treatment cost of diabetic polyneuropathy based on routinely collected financing data.

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Value Health ; 23 Suppl 1 : S Epidemiological disease burden of diabetic polyneuropathy based on routinely collected health insurance claims data. Value Health Reg Issues ; 7: 27— Utilization indicators of balneotherapy in Hungary.

  • Modeling long-term diabetes and related complications in rats J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods.
  • Nemzeti doktor. a cukorbetegség kezelése
  • Diabetes mellitus fogalma
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  • A diabétesz mellitus kezelésében ajánlott egy étrend.
  • A cukorbetegség kezelése a kínai orvoslásban

Changes in the health status of the population of Central and Eastern European countries between and Eur J Health Econ. Multicriteria decision analysis in the reimbursement of new medical technologies: real-world experiences from Hungary.

Value Health ; — Financial deficits in the health services of the UK and Hungary.

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Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. Financing of health care services in Hungary. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for causes of death in countries and territories, — a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study World Health Organization, Geneva, Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for diseases and injuries for countries and territories, — a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes — Global Burden of Disease and forecasted trends.

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[Diagnosis of diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy]

Peripheral arterial disease and diabetes related lower limb amputations. Presentation of the epidemiological data and the analysis of potentialities in preventive strategy.

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Epidemiológiai adatok bemutatása és a megelőző stratégia lehetőségeinek elemzése. Ischemic origin of diabetic foot disease.

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Epidemiology, difficulties of diagnosis, options for prevention and revascularization. Epidemiológia, a diagnózis nehézségei, prevenciós és revascularisatiós lehetőségek.

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The diabetic foot syndrome: pathomechanism, clinical picture, current treatment and prevention. Diabetic neuropathies: components of etiology.

Diabetic Neuropathy

J Peripher Nerv Syst. Diabet Med. Assessing the effect of the public health product tax in Hungary between — Value Health ; 21 Suppl 2 : S Healthcare professional guideline — Treatment of adult diabetic foot syndrome patients pathology, diagnostics, therapy, prevention. Health insurance aspects of physiotherapeutic care of neurology disorders in outpatient care.

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